Project: HiCAD 3-D

Lines and Polylines

Sketch > Draw > Line

Use these functions to insert a new polyline using the so-called Sketch Technology, which is a quick drawing mode for polylines. With this technology, construction is made easier by the fact that HiCAD automatically displays a predefined grid, starting from the last point of a polyline, and displays the relevant angles, distances and radii at the cursor. On this grid you can then define the direction and length of a line by means of cursor movements and mouse-clicks.

Clicking opens a menu with further functions for the creation of polylines, tangents and straight lines.

New polyline

Inserts a new polyline without using Sketch Technology.

Enter the start point and the following points of the polyline. When you end the drawing of the polyline by pressing the MMB, the function is ended as well. If you end the drawing of the polyline by a right-click, however, the creation of the polyline is ended, but the function remains active. You can then specify the start point of another polyline.

Continue polyline

Continues an existing polyline in a sketch construction at its last specified point.

Tangent to 2 edges

Tangent Point-Edge

Tangent, Angle-Circle-Length
Tangent, Edge
Tangent, to arc
Tangent, to surface
Line bisector
Perpendicular to edge
Angle bisector
Vertical to 2 lines
Vertical to surface, via point

Sketch Functions (3-D)Sketch Technology (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2019, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2402 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 06/10/2019

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