Project: HiCAD 3-D
Referenced parts are marked with specific symbols in the Information + Communication Navigator (ICN). In the part structure, an "R" symbol is directly attached to the part symbol. The meaning of the different colours are as follows:
Externally referenced parts |
Internally referenced part |
Referenced part, read-only |
Non-updated referenced part |
Non-updated referenced part, read-only |
For externally referenced parts, the text (referenced) is shown, in the Geometric type row of the Properties window of the ICN.
A so-called Fitting coordinate system (short: Fitting CS) is automatically assigned to 3-D parts when they are referenced, and entered into the feature log.
If a part has no Fitting CS yet at the moment of referencing, the following applies:
Example: (1) Insertion of a referenced part, (2) Creation of further parts and definition of a local coordinate system, (3) Breaking up referencing and re-referencing of part
If a Fitting CS already exists during referencing, the following message appears:
By activating of the desired option and confirming with OK you can either
Please also read the notes on the Fitting CS in the Coordinate Systems topic in the HiCAD Basics Help chapter.
If a main assembly is referenced and has an article master which is different from the article master of the drawing, no automatic corrections will be applied to the article master assignment and/or the HELiOS links of the main assembly.
If the main part has an article master which is different from the article master of the drawing, no document master links will be checked or corrected (this also applies to the Management + BIM functions). If the main part is also referenced, no article master links will be checked or corrected either (this also applies to the Management + BIM functions).
External Referencing (3-D) • Internal Referencing (3-D) • Referencing Functions (3-D)
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