Project: HELiOS + HiCAD
HELiOS PDM > HELiOS PDM functions for active drawing > Docu....
HELiOS PDM > HELiOS PDM functions for active part > Docu....
Use these functions to display the HELiOS detail window for the document master of the active drawing or the active part.
You can call the editing functions for the document via the context menu or via the Ribbon menu in the detail window that consists, similar to the areas of the context menu, of the General, Assignments, Input and Output tabs.
The detail window consists of several tabs. In addition to frequently used functions such as Edit or Delete, the context menu of the detail window offers further editing functions for the active document.
The Mask tab shows the basic master data entries with a preview of the drawing, the Extended mask tab provides further document data such as Scale, Format, Status etc.
The Graphic tab enables you to zoom the preview of the drawing via control keys and move the object within the frame, so that you can look at the details of the drawing. The control keys of the viewer can also be moved in the graphics window by clicking on the small lock/unlock button (top, left). Use the arrow buttons to move the object in the required direction and the plus and minus buttons to zoom the drawing. Furthermore, you can call various additional functions via the context menu (view, print, save).
If an unambiguous article master has been assigned to a document, the title block in the Graphic tab of the document detail window in HELiOS will also be updated with regard to the article master data (e.g. release status).
Use the Sources tab to show the documents and articles which are linked to the current document as source, and the Targets tab to show the documents and articles which are linked to the current document as target.
The Folders tab shows you in which folders the document is used; the Projects tab shows you in which projects the document is used.
If a linked notes document exists for the document, a preview of it can be viewed in the Annotation tab.
Please note:
Alternatively, you can access the function as follows: Right-click the part or the name of the part in the ICN and select HELiOS. In the HELiOS sub-menu, select Show document master.
PDM functions in HiCAD • HELiOS Desktop: Documents
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