Project: HELiOS PDM for Inventor
Data > Batch import (Drawings )
In the Data function group you can find, besides the Batch import (Models) function, the additional Batch (Drawings) function.
You can use this function to transfer "associated" drawings that were not considered for batch import due to name conventions during the previous batch import.
As with the transfer of the CAD model structure to the HELiOS databse with the
New in HELiOS function, a prerequisite for the transfer of drawings linked to a part or an assembly is is that the drawing is located in the same directory as the part or the assembly, and that it has the same file name preceding the file extension.
However, the file name preceding the extension needs not necessarily be identical (Example: The drawing "MyAssembly.idw" belongs to the same-named assembly "MyAssembly.iam"), but linked drawings will also be recognized if they begin with the same name as the corresponding part, e.g. if the file names of the drawings are composed of a particular file name, plus an additional number: For instance, for an Inventor part called "InventorPart.ipt" the drawing "InventorPart-01.idw" will be found and assigned accordingly
Drawing files that do not comply with this name convention and were therefore not transferred to HELiOS with the Batch import (Models) function, can be subsequently recognized, transferred and linked accordingly by the internal Inventor reference, when you additionally call the Batch import (Drawings) functions after calling the Batch import (Models) function.
The function opens the same selection dialogue, set to the same directory from which you previously executed the Batch import (Models) function, with a list of all drawing files that have been stored there.
These will be checked for references of assignments to models and, if there are any, they will be imported to HELiOS and linked with the corresponding parts/assemblies after a click on OK.
In the process, the model of the first drawing view will be considered.
"Old Version“ sub-directories of Inventor will be automatically filtered out; geometries and 3rd party references will be considered during data exchange, and already recognized drawings will not be re-imported with regard to the original path.
As with the the Batch import (Models) function, you have the option to view a log file after import.
HELiOS Part / Assembly / Drawing (HELiOS PDM for Inventor)
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