Save Variant (VAD_Editor)

Select this option to save the current variant. The actions carried out when you save a variant depend on preset values.

If, as in HiCAD Plant Engineering, you work with additional folders for diverse part representations, in which the corresponding variants have the same name, please refer to the settings shown in the sample:

Preferred directory for VAD files


Additional directory for same VAD files


Additional directory for same VAD files



Also process same name variants in additional directory

Only create/process single VAD files

All files affected by processing carried out on the current variant are automatically updated or created.

In detail:

If the current variant was loaded from the preferred directory, these settings have the following effect:

  1. If the current variant already existed and was saved under the same name, the VAD file in the preferred directory is overwritten by data from the processing file. HiCAD checks each “additional directory” to see if a VAD file with the same name exists. If yes, it is overwritten by a copy of the processing file.
  2. If a variant with the current variant name does not yet exist, HiCAD creates a new VAD file from the contents of the processing file in the preferred directory.

Other files belonging to the variant (e.g. the KVP file plus a KVR file for 3D parametric variants) are copies, under the new variant name, of the files from which the new variant was derived. In variant files containing the name of the variant in text (VG3 and MAC files), variant names are automatically replaced by new names.

The procedure for the additional directories depends on whether the checkbox If VAD file does not exist, create it in the additional directories has been activated.

If VAD file does not exist, create it in the additional directories

HiCAD checks each additional directory to see if a VAD file with the same name exists. If yes, the VAD file of the new variant from the preferred directory is copied to it.

Other files belonging to the variant are (as in the preferred directory) created as copies - under the new variant name - of the corresponding files from which the new variant was derived.

If VAD file does not exist, create it in the additional directories 

No copies will be created in the additional directories.

If the current variant was not loaded from the preferred directory or derived, files in the additional directories need not be processed. This also applies to the following setting:

Also process same name variants in additional directory

Only create/process single VAD files

The following setting is necessary if you do not want any files, except the DVD file, to be processed and to limit processing to the directory from which the current variant was loaded:

Also process same name variants in additional directory

Only create/process single VAD files

Functions for VariantsSettingsThe User Interface

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Variant Editor
Date: 14/09/2018

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