Exchange Beams (3-D SE)

Exchange beams

Steel Engineering > Further functions > Exchange

You use this function to replace a fitted beam by any standard, prototype, series or sketch beam.


  1. Identify the beam to be exchanged. Depending on the function selected, the same dialogue is started as for fitting standard beams, i.e. the selection window for standard beams is displayed.
  2. Select the replacement beam. Select OK to exit the window.
  3. The Fixed point window is displayed. This window allows you to define a new reference axis for the beam to be replaced and the reference axis of the new beam so as to be able to place the new beam exactly. To rotate the new beam during fitting, you can also define the rotation angle. Make the desired settings.
  4. Choose OK to exit the window.

The beam is exchanged. All processing that you have carried out on the beam to be replaced is transferred providing it is plausible.



Please note that the following settings in the Configuration Editor will be considered during exchanging of Steel Engineering beams:


Please note:

Handling of article masters during exchanging of semi-finished products

The handling of manually assigned article masters during exchanging of semi-finished products can be specified in the Configuration Editor at System settings > HELiOS.

The following setting options for the parameter Handling of article master are available:

If you choose Yes, the article master of the semi-finished product to be exchanged will be deleted and, if required, replaced with the article master of the semi-finished product to be exchanged. If you choose No, the article master of the semi-finished product to be exchanged will be retained unchanged. This is the default setting.

At Taking over of semi-finished product attributes you can additionally specify which semi-finished attributes will be assigned to the manually assigned article attributes. The assignment must be defined as follows:

Semi-finished product attribute;Article attribute

Each assignment must be specified in a separate row in the collection, e.g. as follows:

The String Collection Editor is initially empty by default.


Handling of article master Collection defined? Effect
Retain unchanged No The manually assigned attributes will be retained unchanged.
Retain unchanged Yes

The assignment of the collection will be evaluated, all other manually assigned attributes will be retained.

In the case of the collection show above this would mean that:

  • the semi-finished product attribute Designation is assigned to the article attribute Comment.
  • the semi-finished product attribute Standard designation is assigned to the article attribute Standard designation.
Delete No The manually assigned article attributes are deleted and replaced with the article master of the replaced semi-finished product. The collection will not be evaluated here.
Delete Yes
Query No

During exchanging, HiCAD will ask you whether the existing article master is to be deleted or not.

If you choose Yes (delete), the manually assigned article attributes will be deleted and replaced with the article master of the replaced semi-finished product. The collection will not be evaluated.

If you choose No, the collection (if there is any) will be evaluated. All other manually assigned article attributes will be retained unchanged (see Retain unchanged option).

Query Yes


Let us assume that he drawing contains a beam with manually assigned article masters, e.g.



In the I-Beams catalogue, the table I (DIN 1025-1) has been assigned to HELiOS. Semi-finished product attributes are DESIGNATION and STANDARD DESIGNATION.



Now, the beam with the manually assigned article master is to be exchanged with an I-beam according to DIN 1025-1.

The manual article master will be retained, taking the specified collection into accound. For our example this means that

  • The semi-finished product attribute DESIGNATION will be assigned to the article attribute COMMENT.
  • The semi-finished product attribute NORMBEZEICHNUNG replaces the same-named article attribute.




Further Exchange functions 

Steel Engineering > Further functions > Exchange

Clicking opens a pull-down menu with functions enabling you to replace a fitted beam by a prototype beam, sketch beam or a series beam, a multi-part standard beam or an elongated plate. Here you will also find functions allowing you to replace beams by series beams that can be selected via the Catalogue, the Explorer, LogiKal or the article/document master.

Beam type Series beams

Exchange beam with prototype beam

Exchange series, via catalogue

Exchange beam with sketch beam

Exchange series, via Explorer

Exchange beam with multi-part standard beam

Exchange via LogiKal, with facade profile

Exchange beam with elongated plate

Exchange series, via DB document master

Exchange beam with multi-part sketch beam

Exchange series, via DB article master


Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the required function.
  2. Identify the beam to be exchanged. Depending on the function selected, the same dialogue is started as for. If you have, for instance, selected the Exchange with prototype beam function, the Prototype beams dialogue window is displayed.
  3. Select the replacement beam, the series or, respectively, the sketch. If you select the Exchange with sketch beam function, you will be prompted to enter attributes like designation (article number), weight/length or material. Once you have made your entries, choose OK to exit the window.
  4. The Fixed point window is displayed. This window allows you to define a new reference axis for the beam to be replaced and the reference axis of the new beam so as to be able to place the new beam exactly. To rotate the new beam during fitting, you can also define the rotation angle. Make the desired settings.
  5. Choose OK to exit the window.

The beam will be exchanged. All processings that you have performed on the beam to be replaced will be applied (provided that they are plausible).

Further Processing Functions (3-D SE)Process Beams (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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