Gusset Plates (3-D SE)

"Civil Engineering" docking window > Steel Engineering > Macros > Gusset plate

The Gusset plate function enables you to insert and bolt plates by specifying the main beam (main beams) and the diagonals or posts to be shortened.

Basic procedure:

  1. Activate the Gusset plate function.
  2. Activate the Material tab and make the necessary entries.
  3. Switch to the Gusset plates tab. Choose the desired options and enter the required data.
  4. Choose OK to exit the tab.
  5. Next, HiCAD asks you to identify the main direction. Use the right mouse button to end the identification
  6. Next, identify the beams to be shortened.

The following figures provide an overview of the possible uses of gusset and batten plates.

Prerequisite for the calculation:

  • The axes of all connections projected onto the plate plane intersect in one point - midpoint -, which lies on the projected axis of the traversing beams.
  • The shortening dimensions and the bolt offsets give rise to the plate contour edges. Intermediate edges are created and clipped at an angle of at least 15°, the so-called edge angle, at these contour edges. If this cut produces an acute external angle < 90°, the plate is cut straight between these connections; otherwise, the two edges are taken as contour edges.

Edge angle (1)



Settings on the 'Material' tab

The values that you enter on this tab are the default settings the next time you call the function!

Settings on the 'Gusset plate' tab

3 rows, 5 columns, left: without offset, right: with offset

Further Connections + Construction Aids (3-D SE)Connections + Variants (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 28/09/2018

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