HCADACAD.DAT - Conversion File

For DXF export you need the HCADACAD.DAT file. It contains the following data:

This file, which can be customised if required, is located in the HiCAD SYS subdirectory.

The HCADACAD.DAT file, a conversion file created line-wise in ASCII format, can be modified with any text editor. Please remember that individual lines should not contain command characters, and no tab stops. Each line begins with a keyword followed by parameter values separated by whitespaces.

ACDXF 2000
ACDWG    0

BEMAS 0 # Create geometric/real dimension (0/1) Geometrische/echte Bemassung erzeugen (0/1)
HATCH 1 # Create hatch: 0=hatch blocks 1=HATCH contours Schraffurerzeugung: 0=Schraffur-Bloecke 1=HATCH-Konturen
SPLINE 1 # Create AutoCad B-Splines, if you set his option to 0, B-Splines will be output as approximated lines
CPAGE 0 # ANSI-Codepage-number (0=Default=1252) ANSI-Codepage-Nummer (0=Default=1252)

DIR # Entry for path Eintrag für Pfad

ZVD 0 # Database (0/1) Datenbank (0/1)

FIGBL 1 # Figur block transfer (-1/0/1) Figur-Block Uebertragung (-1/0/1)

FIGB1 1 # Figur Entities transfer, if 1 block (-1/0/1) Figur-Entities Uebertragung, wenn 1 Block (-1/0/1)

FIGLA 0 # 0 , 1=all FIGs as layer , -1=individual FIGs 0 , 1=alle FIGs als Layer , -1=einzelne FIGs

LPOLY 1 # Create POLYLINES (0/1) POLYLINES erzeugen (0/1)

NKST 8 # Number of decimal places (max.=14) Anzahl der Nachkommastellen (max.=14)

NOKOM 0 # Suppress commentaries (0/1) Kommentare unterdruecken (0/1)

NOVER 0 # Suppress DXF version number (0/1) DXF-Versionsnummer unterdruecken (0/1)

AUNIT -1 # Value for Header variable $AUNITS (-1=omit) Wert fuer Header-Variable $AUNITS (-1=weglassen)

VISRE -1 # Value for Header variable $VISRETAIN (-1=omit) Wert fuer Header-Variable $VISRETAIN (-1=weglassen)

VISRE -1 # Value for Header variable $VISRETAIN (-1=omit) Wert fuer Header-Variable $VISRETAIN (-1=weglassen)








LTDEF    2 PUNKT           ..............

LTDEF    3 GESTRICHELT     -- -- -- -- --

LTDEF    4 STRICHPUNKT     --.--.--.--.-


LTDEF    7 PHANTOM         --..--..--..-


COLOR    0 7

COLOR    1 3


LAYER 0100 LAY_0100

LAYER 0110 LAY_0110


SONST 0001 LAY_01

SONST 0049 LAY_49




Lines are composed as follows:


keyword ( 1 - 5 characters)

The first 5 characters contain one of the following keywords:

AutoCad-2000 (AC1015) format is used for DXF export. If desired, you can also create files in AutoCad-12 format. To do this need to change the entry ACDXF 2000 to ACDXF 12 in the first line of the HCADACAD.DAT file.

The DWG format corresponds to the DXF format. A change of DXF format output can be made by specifyingthe number  nr for the DWG version in the second line of the HCADACAD.DAT file: ACDWG nr


This entry specifies how 2-D dimensions are to be transferred - as geometric dimensions (0) or as "real" dimensions (1). The default setting is 0.

3-D dimensions are always transferred as geometric dimensions!


Transfer of hatchings is possible if the following conditions are met:

  • The hatching needs to be a part hatching (no contour hatching).
  • The hatching lines need to be continous lines (also for cross-hatchings).
  • Subfigure countours must be either inner or outer contours.
  • No hatchings from 3-D views.

HATCH 0 prevents the transfer, the default setting is 1.

Directory to which DXF files should be copied

If the Document Management Database module is available, DXF file creation is managed by the database

Parts can be transferred as blocks

Determines whether parts will be transferred as layers or not

Assigns HiCAD parts and AutoCAD blocks (only relevant if a TABLES section has been created)

Defines the Colour and Line Type assigned to a layer (only relevant if the TABLES section has been created)

Assigns a Colour Number (only relevant if a colour number deviates from that assigned to a layer)

Assigns the HiCAD attributes: colour, line thickness and layer to AutoCAD layers

Assigns a HiCAD line type to an AutoCAD line type, (only relevant if a TABLES section has been created)

Assigns a HiCAD line type to an AutoCAD line type (only relevant if the line type deviates from the type assigned to a layer)

Controls the way in which POLYLINES are used

Defines HiCAD remarks

Defines the layer for miscellaneous graphical elements, e.g. dimensionings

Defines a text style

Assigns auxiliary numerical properties to lines contained in individual parts

Controls the transfer of dimensioning

Decimal places (max. 14)

Control flag for ACAD variable $AUNITS

Suppress DXF Version number

Adapt width of fonts

HiCAD colour for overlaps

HiCAD in DXF (Special) character conversion

Evaluation of text styles


At least one blank always follows a keyword.


Numerical characters:

The following numeric parameter values contain HiCAD codes, e.g. the symbol number or, in some fields, the AutoCAD colour.

Followed by at least one blank.


Alphanumerical characters:

Depending on the keyword, one or two AutoCAD designations or part names from HiCAD. Only the first 16 positions of these designations are interpreted – only 8 positions for part names. If keywords posses more than two alphanumeric designations, e.g. BLOCK, NUMAT, the required 16 positions must be filled with blanks.


Please note:

Create DXF/DWG filesKeywordsDXF/DWG Settings2-D Interfaces

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD Interfaces
Date: 14/09/2018

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