DXF/DWG Settings

The function DXF/DWG Settings enables you to set parameter values for the import and export of DXF files.

To set parameter values for the import of DXF/DWG files, click the ISD Button and select Open > DXF Settings.

To export values, click the ISD Button and select Save as... > DXF/DWG Settings.

Select this function if you want to use

  • the ACADHCAD.DAT conversion file for file import, or
  • the HCADACAD.DAT conversion file for file export.

These options enable you to set customer-specific parameter for the conversion of a HiCAD drawing to a DXF file..

For example the function DA1 is used for

  • the import of conversion file ACADHCAD.DA1 or
  • the export of the conversion file HCADACAD.DA1

Use this option to set the scale with which a DXF file should be conversion into a HiCAD drawing. The DXF file is then converted in the given scale.

This option enables you to set the dimension unit with which a DXF file should be conversion into a HiCAD drawing. The DXF file in then converted in the given dimension unit.

The functions marked with * are only available for the import of DXF files.

2-D InterfacesThe HCADACAD.DAT fileThe ACADHCAD.DAT file

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD Interfaces
Date: 14/09/2018

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