Adjust Templates - Attributes

In Excel BOMs you can use variables which will be filled with associated values when the BOM will be generated. Depending on their source, these variables have different prefixes. The list below shows, for each attribute type, the prefix, a link to the available attributes and one example.


Tip: To get a quick overview over all available attributes, activate the Export raw data option in the Settings of the Excel template file. After creating a BOM with this template, you will find the additional table sheets Header, Quantity_List and Structure_List there, where all available attributes are listed in the columns.

Special variables

Some variables will be handled in a special way during BOM generation.


Cut symbols

Identifiers for cuts will be inserted in the BOM as H_$09 and H_$10, respectively. If you set Cut symbols for the relevant table sheet to true in the sheet-dependent settings, the cuts will be output as graphics, not as text:

BOMs created via product structures

If you want to create a BOM via a product structure, no drawing or part attributes will be available to you. In these cases you can use the following attributes with modified names:

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Date: 14/09/2018

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