When assigning constraints, the part structure and hence the arrangement of the parts is crucial.
You can assign constraints only within a main assembly and only to parts of an active body.
If, for example, you activate a main part with sub-parts, HiCAD regards the sub-parts of a hierarchy as one unit. No constraints can be assigned within this unit.
In the 3-D part structure, part containing dimensional or positional constraints are indicated by a black H against yellow background:
In the Configuration Editor at System settings > Assembly HCM you find the setting option Show HCM errors in part structure?. This function is deactivated by default. If you activate this option, inconsistent HCM models in assemblies will be marked in the 3-D structure with a corresponding symbol.
In this case a red H will be shown instead of a black H. This marking will also be applied to superordinate parts and assemblies to indicate the inconsistencies up to the top level of the affected element:
Please note:
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