Templates, Part Annotation (3-D SE)

HiCAD supports part classification by freely definable usages. This allows you, for example, to define parts as columns, girders, mullions, transoms etc. for civil engineering design tasks. Such classifications take place by assigning Usage attributes to the corresponding parts. Furthermore, these classifications allow the creation of usage-dependent workshop drawings or bills of materials. The usages will be managed in the same-named folder in the Factory standards catalogue.

Part annotations in workshop drawings, too, can be applied depending on the usage. For this to happen, you need to define the settings in the Configuration Editor (ISDConfigEditor.exe) accordingly, and create appropriate usage-specific templates.

Settings in the Configuration Editor

The settings for part annotation in workshop drawings can be found at

Automatic drawing derivation > Production drawing> Usage-dependent > name > Annotation.

name is the name of the corresponding usage.


For main parts, i.e. general parts, beams, profiles, Steel Engineering plates, Sheet Metal parts, developed sheets as well as for sub-parts, the following selection options are available:

Annotation according to usage is not possible for these objects. Here you can only choose between the options Annotate (Default) and Do not annotate.

The default templates are FTD files which are located in the sys directory of the HiCAD installation.

Configuration of templates for part annotation

Drawing > Itemisation/Detailing > Templates > Part annotation templates

Use the Part annotation templates function to configure the templates for part annotation. When you call the function, the following dialogue window will be displayed for the default setting:


For each usage it is indicated here which annotation template will be used for the various annotation tag types in the workshop drawing. First, select the desired usage from the selection box at the top of the dialogue. It will then be shown, depending on the settings in the Configuration Editor, which annotation template will be used.

Please note that in contrast to the default setting, the usage-dependent configuration support only three types of annotation tags:


The symbols next to the different annotation tag types have the following meaning:


When you move the cursor over a name in the dialogue window, a tooltip with information on the corresponding FTD file will be displayed.

How to proceed: An example

Let us assume that you want to apply a usage-specific template instead of the default template to the usage Assembly_Beam for the annotation of main parts in your workshop drawing. Proceed as follows:

  1. In the Configuration Editor, select Automatic drawing derivation > Usage-dependent > ASSEMBLY_BEAM > Annotation. For the Annotate main part parameter, select Annotate, acc. to usage.
  2. In HiCAD, select Drawing > Itemisation/Detailing > Templates > Part annotation templates .
  3. Choose ASSEMBLY_BEAM from the Usage-dependent configuration selection box at the top of the dialogue. The current settings from the Configuration Editor will then be displayed.

  1. In the row with the annotation tag type, e.g. Individual part, click Create . In the new dialogue window, specify the desired annotation. The template will be saved as POSNUMMER_VERWART_EINZELTEIL_ASSEMBLY_BEAM.FTD to the HiCAD sys directory. The symbol will then change to .

  1. You can then create other templates for the other annotation tag types in the same way.


Please note:

Drawing DerivationDerived Drawings: SettingsDrawing Derivation: Dialogue Window

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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