
HiCAD supports part classification according tom freely definable usages. In this way you can, for instance, define beams or profiles in Civil Engineering as columns, girders, mullions, transoms etc. The classification takes place by assigning the Usage attribute to the corresponding part. This classification enables, for example, the creation of Usage-dependent workshop drawings or Bills of Materials. The usages can be expanded customer-specifically at any time with the help of the Catalogue Editor. The different usages are managed in the Factory stsndards catalogue.

To assign a usage select Properties > Part attributes in HiCAD.

The different usages are managed via the Catalogue Editor, namely in the catalogue Factory standards > Usage.

For civil engineering, the ISD has predefined the following classification structures, i.e. catalogues and tables:


To each usage belongs one table, e.g. the table BEAM:

For each table you can create use type-specific columns/sub-types.

If you assign a usage to a part in HiCAD, it will obtain the TABLEID and ITEMID of the selected entry. Functions referring to usages, e.g. automatic workshop creation in Steel Engineering, filtered BOMs etc., manage the TABLEID and ITEMID of the selected entry. At the same time, the TABLEID defines the class assigned in HELiOS (e.g. which classification mask is to be used in HELiOS).


Define new usage

The definition of new usages takes place by creating a new table beneath the catalogue Factory standards > Usage. For example, if you want to create a new table beneath Factory standards > Usage > Civil Engineering > Steel Engineering, right-click Steel Engineering and choose New table for Steel Engineering. Then specify the table properties. In the Category field, select USAGE CATEGORY.

Fill in the table, e.g.:

Save the table.



Workshop drawings can be individually configured according to usage. For this purpose, a particular, usage-dependent setting is assigned to the corresponding usage. These settings should only be managed by experienced users or Administrators. End users should create and change settings only directly in HiCAD.

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Catalogue Editor
Date: 14/09/2018

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