Function Group: New/Open

Drawing > New/Open

Use the commands of this function group to create new, or open (load) existing HiCAD drawings - either with or without HELiOS (PDM).



New drawing

Creates a new drawing.


New drawing with database, without article master

Creates a new DB drawing, without article master specification.


New drawing with database, with new article master

Creates a new DB drawing, with specification of a new article master.


New drawing with database, assign article master

Creates a new drawing to which an existing article master has been assigned.


Open drawing

Opens an existing drawing (.SZA, .SZN).

Click to open a pull-down menu with further functions.


Load drawing, via DB document master

Opens a DB drawing, via specification of the document master.

You can use the result lists in HELiOS to load several files in one step. Up to 18 drawings can be open at the same time. If you have used the result list to select more files than can currently be opened in HiCAD, you can open the remaining files subsequently without having to select them again. To do this, choose Docu... Reload .


Load drawing, via DB article master

Loads a database drawing, via specification of the article master.



Please note:

File FormatsUser InterfaceMultifunctional Toolbar (Ribbon)QuickAccess Toolbar

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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