Surface Approximation and Limiting Angle for Shading

Surface approximation

Drawing > Properties > Attr. > Surface approximation

You use this function to define the number of polygon points for 3-D quadrants. This setting is taken into account, for example, in polyhedral approximation and shading of 3-D models.

The Via distance tolerance... functions approximate according to a predefined precision value (default = 0.1). The precision value is used to determine the maximum distance permitted between analytical surface and polyhedral surface. The number of polygon points for 3-D quadrants is then calculated separately for each curved surface using this precision value. With minimum number means that the calculated value must not be less that the entered value;with maximum number means that the calculated value should not be greater than the entered value.

Analytical model

Polygon points
per quadrant

Polygon points
per quadrant, 2

Polygon points
per quadrant,
max. number


Please note:

The presetting can be changed in the Configuration Editor at Modelling > Part creation > Polyhedron approximation.

Limiting angle for shading

Drawing > Properties > Attr. > Limiting angle for shading

The limiting angle is only relevant to shaded 3-D models, in which curved surfaces may show disturbing colour differences at the polyhedral edges. For all edges in which the adjacent surfaces form an angle less than the specified edge limiting angle, a correction is performed to make the edges look "rounded".

Enter the desired limiting angle. The value must be between 0 and 180 degrees. The specified limiting angle applies to all parts of the drawing.

Example: Edge limiting angle 45°

Example: (1) Edge is retained, (2) Edges remain rounded


If you want to use a different limiting angle for individual parts of the drawing, perform the following steps:

  1. Activate the desired part.
  2. Use the right mouse button to activate the context menu for parts and select Properties .
  3. Select Limiting angle for shading.
  4. Specify the limiting angle for this part.

Present 3-D ModelsAnalytical or Polyhedral Model (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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