Colours and Optical Properties

Drawing > Others > Colour Editor


When selecting colours, you can choose between RGB colours and RAL colours.

RGB Colour
RGB colours can either be specified directly via the slider or via the Colour menu which is activated via the icon. In addition to a selection of Basic colours you have the option to define user-defined Custom colours: Specify the colour on the right-hand side of the window and click Add to custom colours to add the new colour to the selection options. Select or define the desired colour and exit the window with OK.


RAL Colour
A click on the RAL button provides access to the RAL colours of the K3 table. These are stored in the Catalogue Editor at Textures and Colours > Colours > RAL CLASSIC.


Select the desired colour and exit the window with OK.

Optical properties

You can determine the optical properties of the current Drawing colour or System colour either via the sliders or via explicit value specification.

Edge print

If Object colours are to be shown in a different colour or with a different line thickness on printouts, select the options under Edge print.

To specify RAL or RGB colours, proceed in the same way as in the Colours.window.


You can check the current settings for colour properties by means of a sphere on a chess board.

To update a representation after applying changes, click the Preview button.


Colour EditorDrawing ColoursSystem/Special Colours

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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