Select Parts for Itemisation (3-D SE)

Drawing > Itemisation/Detailing >Itemise > Change parameters

Here, you select the parts to be itemised. These can be

Additionally, you can further restrict the number of parts to be itemised by specifying filters. You can also use these filters, for example, to choose different item number ranges for different part types.


How to set filters

In the Filter area of the Itemisation dialogue window, select "Default Filter Configuration" in the list box and click the Configuration button. The Attribute filters dialogue window is displayed.

Part type and

if you want to itemise only particular parts with a particular material

If no filter criteria have previously been defined for the active attribute, the column is initially empty. Right-click a line and choose New row. The row is created and highlighted in green. Now, double-click in the corresponding column to choose the filter criterion, e.g. Select catalogue with Attribute Part type.


  1. In the Part attributes column, select Part type and Material.
  2. Insert a new row (RMB -> New row) in the Part type column on the right-hand side of the window.
  3. Under Part Type, double-click in the new line and choose Select catalogue > Semi-finished products > Beams > L-Beams.
  4. Under Material, double-click  in the new line and choose Select catalogue > Steels > General construction steels > S235JRG2.

Part Type




  1. If you want to insert a further line, repeat the operation, e.g. Part type > Select catalogue > Semi-finished products > Plates.

Part Type






The filter criteria are processed line-by-line from top to bottom during itemising

To remove one or more lines, select them, right-click the selection and choose Remove selected rows.


The "Start value" attribute

The Start value attribute has a special meaning. It allows you to define the start number individually for parts which fulfil the specified filter criteria. In the above example, you can choose different start numbers for itemising L-beams and plates.

Start Value

Part Type








The filter criteria displayed in the table would have the following impact:

Itemisation Functions (3-D SE)Settings/Management (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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