Itemisation Modes

Drawing > Itemisation/Detailing > Item.

The itemisation is a prerequisite for the creation of workshop drawings and Bills of Materials (BOMs).

HiCAD currently supports two different itemisation modes:

One property of each drawing is the question whether it is to be itemized according to the Itemisation up to HiCAD 2017 or the old or the Standard itemisation as of HiCAD 2018. In the Configuration Editor at System settings > Itemisation, revised > Itemisation mode you can specify the itemisation mode to be used in new drawings.


For model drawings without a fixed itemisation mode, the Itemisation up to HiCAD 2017 mode will be used if they have at least been partly itemized.


In contrast to the Itemisation up to HiCAD 2017 mode, itemisation settings in the Standard itemisation as of HiCAD 2018 mode will not be saved globally, but by model drawings. For a management of individual configurations you can use the Manage favourites option that you already know from other functions. In the Configuration Editor at System settings > Itemisation > Default settings you can choose a Favourite defining the pre-settings for the Standard itemisation as of HiCAD 2018 mode. By default, settings for Mechanical Engineering, Steel Engineering and Plant Engineering have been pre-defined. Which of these Favourites will be used depends on the settings specified in the HiCAD Parameter configuration dialogue window.

The fixed part groups in the Itemisation up to HiCAD 2017 mode are replaced with freely configurable part groups in the Standard itemisation as of HiCAD 2018 mode. The elements belonging to a part group can be specified with the help of a part filter. Furthermore, two options for number assignment are available:


Advantages of the new itemisation:

The current settings of the itemization parameters are saved in the model drawing. Furthermore, the itemisation settings can be saved as Favourites, making individual settings for various industries available at the push of a button.

The fixed part groups used for the old itemization up to 2017 are replaced with freely configurable part groups. You can individually specify via the part filter which parts are to belong to a part group.

In addition to the item number, a freely configurable item text, e.g. for a detailed description of the type and quality of a service can be generated automatically. Item texts are composed of components of the type:

  • Text
  • HiCAD part attribute
  • HiCAD drawing attribute
  • HELiOS document attribute
  • HELiOS project attribute

HiCAD part attributes can originate from the part itself as well as from the main part of an assembly, or a superordinate element with user-specific properties. Item text settings, too, can be managed as Favourites.

The range of application for itemisation can be limited to selected parts and their sub-parts within a given number of levels.


Other differences to the old Itemisation up to HiCAD 2017:

Itemisation FunctionsThe "Drawing" Tab

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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