Save Parts

Drawing > Save/Reference > Reference Part, Save, Detail drawing

You can save 2-D and 3-D parts as independent files

Proceed as follows:

  1. Activate the part to be saved either in the ICN or in the drawing.
  2. On the Drawing tab, select Reference > Reference part, Save, Detail drawing .
  3. In the Reference, Save dialogue window, choose the desired options for
  4. the referencing (only 3-D),
  5. the saving as part or detail drawing,
  6. the storage location in the database,
  7. the master document (only 3-D).
  1. Click OK.
  2. Enter the file name.

2-D parts are saved as FGA files. FGA stands for "Figure archive". This archive contains all data of the 2-D part, i.e. the geometry, the attributes etc. Likewise, 3-D parts will be saved as KRA files (German abbreviation for "Körperarchiv" = Body archive").

Reference part (only 3-D)

Without referencing

The part will be saved as a "normal" part - without referencing.

External referencing

The part will be referenced externally. Referenced parts are characterized by their ability to be used across projects and on an enterprise-wide basis. The 3-D body which represents this part is not closely integrated into the model, but only added in the current state when the model is created.

Internal referencing

In addition to external referencing, parts can also be referenced internally. This allows you to manage identical parts within a drawing without saving referenced parts. In contrast to external referencing, the parts are not saved as a KRA file here.

Also reference identical parts

If the option is active, HiCAD searches for parts that match the part to be referenced in terms of name and geometry and references them automatically.


Part or detail drawing

Save as part

Saves the part as a .FGA file (2-D) or .KRA file (3-D). It can be inserted at any time into any drawing using the Insert function.

Save as part with catalogue entry

Saves the part as a .FGA file (2-D) or .KRA file (3-D) and assigns it to a Factory standards (Werksnormen) catalogue that you can select after clicking OK. In the Factory standards catalogue you can then create a new catalogue or a new table where columns according to the current part variables can be set for the part.

If this option is active and the active part is no referenced part, the options Extenal referencing and Internal referencing will be greyed out. To save an externally referenced part to a catalogue, save it as a referenced part beforehand ( External referencing, Save as part). After this, call the Reference part, Save, Detail drawing function for this part again and select the option Save as part with catalogue entry.

Internally referenced parts cannot be saved to catalogues.

Save as variant with catalogue entry

Creates a .KRA file and saves the part as a variant to a catalogue beneath Factory standards (Werksnormen).

Click OK and select an existing catalogue or click Make New Folder to create a new folder. New catalogues will be created as sub-folders in the Kataloge\Werksnormen directory of your HiCAD installation (in the Catalogue Editor, the data can be found at Factory standards > Parts+Processings.)

After selection of an existing catalogue or the creation of a new catalogue, click OK. HiCAD will then show the catalogues existing at Factory standards > Parts and Processings. New variants will always be saved to a new table of the Parts and Processings catalogue or of a sub-catalogue.

To create a new catalogue, first select the super-ordinate catalogue in the list. Then, enter the file name for the new catalogue. If you want the catalogue to be shown with a different name in the Catalogue Editor, enter this different name in the Representation input field. Confirm with Create. If a catalogue of this name already exists, an appropriate error message will be displayed.

To create a new table, first select the catalogue that is to receive the table in the list. Then, enter the name of the table. Confirm with OK. If a preview image of the variant is to be created, confirm the query Create Bitmap? with Yes and select the backgroud colour. You have then the option to display the graphic as a preview.


Please note:

  • The part will be saved a .KRA file. This option is not available for referenced parts.
  • To insert a variants that has been saved to the Factory standards catalogue, select Drawing > Insert Part > Insert part, via Standard Parts catalogue. The variants can be found in the tables beneath the Parts and Processings entry.
  • If the External referencing or Internal referencing option had been activated, this option is greyed out.
  • The option is only available for 3-D parts.

Create + Save detail drawing

Saves the part as a detail drawing with the file name extension .SZA and can be loaded as a HiCAD drawing file afterwards. If you have also selected Part referencing when saving the 3-D part, a .KRA file will be generated as well.

Detail drawing, with options (only 3-D)

Here, the part will also be saved as a detail drawing with the file name extension .SZA. In contrast to the preceding option field, however, you can also provide additional settings here, e.g. number and type of saved views, desired coordinate system etc.


Storage location, DB links

Database, without article master

The part will be entered into the database. Enter the document attributes .

Database, with new article master

The part will be entered with a new article master into the database. For this to happen, first specify the article attributes and then the document attributes.

Database, assign article master

The part will be entered into the database, with an existing article master being assigned to it. Next, enter the document attributes.

Database, take over article master

The part will be entered with its current article master into the database. Next, enter the document attributes.

Without database

The part will not be entered into the database. Choose the desired path and enter the file name, noting that referenced 3-D parts are saved only in the directory predefined for referenced parts.


This option is automatically active if parts are saved with catalogue entry.


DB document master for part (only 3-D)

Enter document master for part

HiCAD asks you to enter the document attributes.

Generate document master for part

The document master is automatically generated.


Please also note the information given in the Errors While Saving Parts and Drawings topic!

3-D Model Drawing2-D DrawingHELiOS PDM FunctionsFactory Standard CataloguesErrors While Saving Parts and Drawings

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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