Background Colour in the ICN

Settings > Colour settings > ICN

Select Settings > Colour settings > ICN to select the background of the ICN tabs, separately for wählen Sie den Hintergrund der ICN-Registerkarten getrennt nach

In the ICN settings dialogue window, activate the required tab. The following options for colour selection are available:

Activate the desired option and define the colour settings as required. The background will be adjusted immediately.

Confirm with OK.


The following buttons are available:


The default settings for graphics windows are specified in the Configuration Editor (ISDConfigEditor.exe), at System settings > Visualisation > Workstation background.

The details of the settings are as follows:

  • Bottom left
  • Bottom right
  • Top left
  • Top right

Colour Settings: Save/Open ConfigurationGraphics WindowInformation + Communication NavigatorConfiguration Editor

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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