Light and Background

Settings > Colour Settings > Graphics window

Use the Graphics window function to define the background for the Sheet and Model area, and illuminate your 3-D model with only a few data inputs - on OpenGL basis.

When you call the function, the Light and Background settings dialogue window will be displayed.

The dialogue window consists of the following tabs:


The following buttons are available:


Please note:


You can select a (single) colour, a colour gradient or a BMP file as background - separately for Model and Sheet views. Please note that the view to which you want to apply the background colour must be active, i.e. if you want to use the background colour for your 3-D model, a Model view needs to be active.


  1. Activate the Gradient checkbox.
  2. Specify the RGB colour for the four corners of the screen by moving the sliders to the desired position, or click the icon and enter the desired colour.


  1. Activate the Background checkbox.
  2. Select the required background file from the list box. The background files must be saved in BMP format to the HiCAD subdirectory BACKGROUND. Supplied with HiCAD is a BMP template HiCAD2008_4X3.bmp.


  1. Activate the Unicolour checkbox.
  2. Specify the RGB colour by moving the sliders to the desired position, or click the icon and enter the desired colour.


Please note:


On the Light tab you can define three light sources and a stray light (as global light source). The basis of an optimal illumination is the definition and the assigning of particular materials. The properties of a material determine the reaction of objects to light. These material properties are specified in the HiCAD Colour Editor and determine, amongst other things, the amount of reflection provided by each light type.

Light source

Select the desired light source from the listbox. If you do not want to use a light source, deactivate the On/Off checkbox.

Use the sliders in the Position area of the dialogue window to specify the position of the individual light source. Each slider movement will be directly shown as a preview in the drawing. Furthermore, you can specify the portions of diffuse light and specular (reflecting) light for each light source. To do this, specify the light colour and the brightness - either via the slider or via direct value input in the Brightness input field.



Stray light

Besides the three light sources you can define a stray light as a global light source.

  1. Select Stray light from the list box at the top of the dialogue window.
  2. Specify the colour and the brightness for Stray light and Skylight. If you do not want to use a stray light, deactivate the On/Off checkbox.

Settings in the Configuration Editor

The default settings for graphics windows are specified in the Configuration Editor (ISDConfigEditor.exe), at

The details of the settings are as follows:

  • Bottom left
  • Bottom right
  • Top left
  • Top right


Determines whether the light source is switched on or off
Determines whether the light source is switched on or off
Determines whether the light source is switched on or off

Present 3-D ModelsColour Settings3-D Model Drawings • Configuration Editor

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Basics
Date: 30/10/2018

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