Generate Isometry / Pipe Spool Drawing - 'Save' Options (PE/Iso)

Plant Engineering > Isometry/Pipe Spool Drawing > Auto-generate drawing

Plant Engineering > Isometry/Pipe Spool Drawing > Generate pipe spool drawing

Isometry + Pipe spool drawing > Create > Auto-generate drawing

Use this area of the Plant Engineering Isometry or Pipe spool drawing dialogue window to specify the save-behaviour of the isometry or pipe spool drawing documents.

You determine via the Automatically save and close checkbox whether you want the isometry or pipe spool drawing of a pipeline to be saved and closed automatically. This option is particularly useful for drawings containing large numbers of pipelines.

Automatically save and close

If the checkbox is active, the created isometry or pipe spool drawing will be saved automatically to the specified Target directory and closed after its creation. The target directory is freely selectable if the Link document checkbox is not active. Otherwise HELiOS will determine the storage location for the documents.

If the Link document checkbox is active, the documents are always saved, as this is mandatory in conjunction with HELiOS. In this case the status of the Automatically save and close checkbox only determines whether the created isometries or pipe spool drawings are to be closed immediately or not.

Automatically save and close

If the checkbox is not active, the created isometry or pipe spool drawing document will not be saved, but moved, as a document, to a HiCAD drawing window in the ICN. Here you can save the document manually if desired.


The created isometry documents are saved under the name ISO~NAME~nnnn.SZA to the specified target directory, with Name being the name, and nnnn being the number of the corresponding pipeline.

For pipe spool drawings, the name ISO~SPOOL~nnnn.SZA will be used, accordingly. While in isometries the number represents the Split index, the number in the pipe spool drawing changes depending on the selected parts.


Please note:

Generate Isometry / Pipe Spool Drawing (PE/Iso) • Isometry and Pipe Spool Drawing (PE/Iso)Isometry and Pipe Spool Drawing Functions for the Layout Plan (PE) 

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Plant Engineering
Date: 11/07/2019

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