Rotate Cross-Section (3-D FFS)

3-D FFS > From c-edge > Rotate cross-section

The freeform surface is created by rotating a curve (planar Sketch or 3-D Sketch) about an arbitrary axis. The curve (cross-section) needs to exist already in the drawing.

All required entries can be made via the dialogue window of the function.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Select cross-section and identify the cross-section in the drawing.
  2. If you want to delete the cross-section after freeform surface creation, activate Delete after creation.
  3. Click the Rotation axis icon and identify the rotation axis.
  4. In the Rotation definition field, specify whether you want to execute a full rotation or a partial rotation. If you if you want to execute only a partial rotation, activate the Segment checkbox and specify start angle and end angle. .
  5. If you want the part to be referenced directly after creation, activate the Referenced checkbox.
  6. Enter the part name of the new freeform surface.
  7. Activate the Preview button to display a preview of the part. You can correct the entered values or insert the part as displayed by clicking the Apply button. When clicking the Create button, the part is inserted immediately.

(1) Original c-edge, (2) B-Spline, (3) Rotation axis


Please note:

FFS from C-Edge (3-D FFS)Overview of Functions (3-D FFS)Freeform Surfaces 

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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