Projection onto Plane (3-D FFS)

3-D FFS > From c-edge > Extru...

You use the functions of this pull-down menu to create a freeform surface by projecting an already existing c-edge onto an arbitrary plane.

You have the following options to define the projection plane:


The projection can be perpendicular or oblique. For a perpendicular projection, identify the required c-edge, which is then projected onto the plane. For an oblique projection, specify a displacement vector. The freeform surface is created by linear connection of the control points of the original c-edge with those created by the projection.

(1) Curve, (2) Displacement vector, (3) Projection plane
Right: oblique projection (above), perpendicular projection (below)

The c-edge can belong to a (planar) sketch or a 3-D sketch.

FFS from C-Edge (3-D FFS)Overview of Functions (3-D FFS)Freeform Surfaces

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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