Part Annotation (3-D)

3-D Dimensioning + Text > Text > New part annotation

Annotation texts, e.g. item numbers or additional texts as well as any combinations of part attributes, database attributes and texts, can be assigned to 3-D parts..


  1. Define part attributes
    If you are working without a database, you will first need to define the part attributes using the Properties > Part attributes function.
  2. Define annotation settings
    Before creating the first annotation, you define the Annotation settings, which are used as the default settings for subsequently created annotations.
  3. Insert annotation
    To create the annotation:
  4. Activate the Part annotation function.
  5. Identify the 3-D part.
  6. Specify the start point of the leader line.
  7. Define the inflexion points and the end point.
  8. Right-click to conclude specification of the leader line, and the annotation is created.
  9. You can then create more annotations.



Texts and Annotations (3-D)Annotation Settings (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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