Internal Referencing (3-D)
Drawing > Save/Reference > Reference part, Save, Detail Drawing
In addition to external referencing, you can also reference 3-D parts internally, i.e. without
saving the part. This enables you to manage identical parts within a drawing
without saving referenced parts.
To reference parts of your construction internally, proceed as follows:
- Activate the
relevant part.
- Choose the Referencing, Save, Detail drawing function.
- Activate the
Internal referencing radio button.
- If required,
activate the Also reference identical parts checkbox if you also want identical
parts of the active part to be referenced. HiCAD then searches for parts
that match the part to be referenced in terms of name and geometry. All
found parts to which this applies are automatically internally referenced.
- Press Next to
exit the window .
To re-use internally referenced parts, you can simply copy the part.
To do this, use the Clone functions on the 3-D Standard tab of the Ribbon, or the Copy/Paste
functions in the context menu of the ICN.
Please note:
- You find the function on the Drawing tab and in the context menu for parts.
- Internally referenced
parts are marked in the ICN by the symbol.
- In contrast to external
referencing, the parts are not
saved as a KRA file. Therefore, the Without save option has been preset here. However, a saving as detail drawing is also possible for internally referenced parts.
- When changing internally referenced parts, the automatic updating of identical parts in the current drawing can be switched off, allowing a manual updating of referenced parts instead. This behaviour can be set in the Configuration Editor, at System settings > Referencing, via the parameter Automatically update referenced parts after each change.
Please note:
Please do not insert referenced parts as sub-parts of externally referenced parts, as this may lead to errors!
Referencing (3-D) • Referencing
Functions (3-D)
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