Insert New Knots (3-D FFS)

3-D FFS > Process > Insert knots

Use this function to insert new knots into the de Boor mesh belonging to a freeform surface, without changing the associated B-splines. This can, for instance, be useful if you want to reduce the intervals for local modification of the freeform surface.

  1. First identify the surface.
  2. Next, determine the new knot by point specification.
  3. Select whether you want to insert the knot in n- or in m-direction.

The new knot is inserted in the de Boor mesh in the specified direction; the freeform surface itself does not change.


Freeform surface with de Boor mesh (right)

Freeform surface with de Boor mesh after insertion of a new knot in n-direction

Process Surfaces (3-D FFS)  • Overview of Functions (3-D FFS)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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