View Functions (3-D)

The 'Views' tab

The Views tab of the Ribbon provides various functions for the definition and processing of views.

The tab consists of the following function groups:

The processing functions for views refer, apart from a few exceptions, to the active view. These functions are also available via the context menu: Right-click on the view frame of the drawing (dashed line) or on the view name in the ICN to activate the context menu. Frequently required functions, such as the selection of the most important standard views - front view, top view and side view - or the rotating of views can also directly be activated via the transparent toolbar.

Furthermore, you can use the Views tab of the Information + Communication Navigator (ICN) to process views. Place the mouse pointer on the name of the required view and right-click to activate the context menu.

As for parts, you can use the multiple selection option known from the Windows applications (CTRL, resp. SHIFT key).

If you click the frame of a view (pink dashed frame), the Views tab on the Ribbon will automatically be activated.

The context menu for Views

Right-click on the view frame (dashed line around drawing) or on a view name in the ICN to open the context menu for views and select the desired Views function.

The 'Views' functions of the transparent toolbar

The transparent toolbar enables a quick and convenient access to frequently required functions. It can be found at the top of the drawing area and can be hidden and redisplayed with the icon. The following functions for views are available:


Show all views

This function becomes available if you right-click the symbol.

Show only active view

This function becomes available if you right-click the symbol. All views except for the active view will be hidden.


If you right-click the symbol, a context menu with further functions for the recalculation and updating of views will be displayed.

New view

Glass model (3-D)

Hidden Line (3-D)

Hidden Line dashed (3-D)

Quick Hidden Line (3-D)

Quick Hidden Grey (3-D)

Shaded with edges (3-D)

Shaded without edges

Rotate view

Standard AXO (direct)

Front view

Side view, from left

Top view

Active XY-plane in screen plane

If you right-click the functions of the transparent toolbar, menus containing further functions are displayed.

Create New View (3-D)Sectional and Detail Views (3-D)Process Views (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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