Sweep Part (3-D)

3-D Standard > New > C-edge sweep

You use this function to create a 3-D part by placing cross-sections on 3-D guidelines.

Proceed as follows:

Activate the function either via the Ribbon or via the context menu for parts. The New c-edge sweep dialogue window will be displayed.


Step 1: Specify type

To create a hollow body, activate the Hollow checkbox and enter the desired wall thickness. If you want the wall thickness to be applied to the outside, also activate the To outside checkbox.

To create a solid body, you need to deactivate the Hollow checkbox.

Activate this option if you want to create a circular cross-section. Enter the desired diameter.

Activate this option if you want to create an arbitrary cross-section based on a sketch. Depending on the number of selected guidelines, further options will be available in the listbox.


Step 2: Specify guidelines


Step 3: Select guideline-dependent options

Depending on the number of selected guidelines, further routing options will be available in the listbox below Type:

Minimum rotation

Direction specification

Constant angle with direction

Here, too, routing takes place by specification of a direction vector. You can either specify the vector by selecting 2 points, or select the edge direction. In contrast to the Direction specification option, the routing will take place with a constant angle. If, for instance, the guideline is a spiral, and the spiral axis is the direction, sections through the sweep part and perpendicular to the guideline would result in constant cross-sections which are not twisted laterally around the guideline (Examples: Routed profiles, staircase handrails).

The tangent of the guideline must nowhere run parallel to the direction specification.

If the guideline is located in one plane and the surface normal is selected as direction, the options will produce identical results when the sweep body is created.

For 2 guidelines the following options are available in the Scaling listbox:


Places the sketch evenly between the two guidelines. The placed cross-sections will be scaled evenly in both directions relative to the original sketch.

Retain height

Places the sketch between the two guidelines in such a way that the height of the cross-sections corresponds to the height of the original sketch.

Retain cross-section

Places the sketch in original size, i.e. the size and form of the cross-sections placed along the guideline correspond exactly to those of the identified sketch. The cross-sections will be attached to the points on the first guideline and placed in the direction of of the second guideline.


Step 4: Select / draw sketch

If you have selected the Arbitrary cross-section in the Type area, you now need to identify an existing sketch, or draw a new one.


Step 5: Article number and further options

In the Article number input field, enter the name of the new sweep body.

Depending on your requirements, activate or deactivate the Reference, Feature and BOM-relevant checkboxes.


Step 6: Check / start routing

If you want to check what the part to be created will look like, click the Preview button. Click Apply if you want to generate the part as displayed in the preview. To start the actual generation of the part, click the Create button.


Please note:

Place Circular Cross-Sections (3-D)Place Arbitrary Cross-Sections (3-D)Sketch Functions (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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