Fillet Sketch (Sketch)

Sketch > Process > Fillet

Use this function to fillet corners of polylines. If desired, you can automatically assign HCM constraints in the process.

When you call the function, the Fillet dialogue window will be displayed.



Enter the desired radius in this input field, or select a previously used value from the listbox.


Create dimensional constraints

If this checkbox is active, a HCM constraint will be automatically created for the filleted corners. The checkbox will be greyed out if the Sketch - Enter constraints checkbox in the Settings dialogue (Sketch > HCM > Tools > Settings) has not been activated.

The only assigning of HCM constraints that is only controlled by this activated checkbox, is that of Tangential constraints.


Equate dimensional constraints

This checkbox can only be used if the Create dimensional constraints checkbox has been activated. If this is the case, the dimensional constraints will be equated for all corners that have been filleted in one step. This means that the first filleted corner contains the constraints, and the other filleted corners contain a "reference" to this constraint. If one of these fillet radii is modified afterwards by a subsequent changing of the dimensional constraint, the other fillets will be adjusted automatically.

The equation of dimensional constraints in only possible for distance constraints in planar sketches. The setting will be ignored for 3-D sketches.


Retain corners with HCM constraints

This option is relevant if a HCM constraint has already been assigned to the corner you want to fillet. If you want to retain the corner as a part of this constraint even after filleting, activate this checkbox. Otherwise, the constraint will be removed.

Specify the required settings and select the desired edges in the vicinity of the corner to be filleted. If you move the cursor over an edge, it will be highlighted in colour (Magenta, special colour Marking 1) and a preview of the fillet is displayed. When you click on the edge, HiCAD will searches for the next corner and highlights the corresponding edges (Red, special colour Marking 5). If an already selected edge is selected again, it will be removed from the selection, and its highlighting will also be removed.

Even non-connected lines of a sketch can be selected and filleted with one click: After clicking an edge, HiCAD will search, depending on the identification point (perpendicular base point or end point), the nearest line and highlight it.


If you right-click during the selection process, a context menu with further options will be displayed:

  • Move the cursor to the position of the first corner point of the rectangle.
  • Hold down the CTRL key and the left mouse button.
  • Release the CTRL key and draw, while still holding down the left mouse button, the rectangle.
  • When you then release the left mouse button, all lines/edges within the rectangle will be selected.

As long as no corner has been selected, the selection via rectangle is still possible, enabling you to collect the desired corners of the active part.

After selecting one or several corners, the option will be greyed out (if the selected corners are not located in the active part).


If you click Apply, the selected fillets will be applied, while the window remains open, allowing you to fillet further edges (even with different settings if desired). If you click OK, the selected fillets will also be applied, but the dialogue window will be closed.

If you middle-click in the drawing while the dialogue window is displayed, the following will happen:


The images below show two examples:

Example 1:

In Sketch (1) all edges have been selected with the option Connected lines and edges (2): Without dimensional constraints equation (3), and with dimensional constraints equation (4).


Example 2

Here a corner (1) is filleted that is already part of a distance constraint: With retaining of constraints (2) and without retaining (3).

Please note:

Sketch Functions (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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