Directed Projection (Sketch)

Sketch > Derive > TakeO... > Directed projection

Use this function to generate projections of individual edges, of a composite edge or a line onto a plane. The projection can be performed in any direction and will be assigned to the active sketch.

  • The function can be applied both to planar sketches and 3-D sketches. Please note however that in the case of 3-D sketches the points specified in the dialogue will be projected onto the currently active processing plane, i.e. the case of 3-D sketches a processing plane must be active.
  • Activate the sketch onto which you want to project the edges, or create a new sketch.

    Call the Directed projection function.

    First, specify the direction of the projection:

    You have the additional option to right-click and open a context menu with further functions for direction specification.


    Use this function to make the origin of the active coordinate system the start point of the direction vector. After this you specify the end point.


    Uses the Z-axis as the direction vector.

    Step back

    Use this function (once or multiple times) to jump one or several steps back in order to correct your input.

    Cancel (Esc)

    Use this function to cancel the direction specification.


    The projection plane is the current sketch plane or processing plane. The angle between the selected direction and this plane must be greater than 0.

    The chosen direction vector will be indicated by means of a symbol in the drawing.

    In the drawing, select the lines the projection of which you want to apply to the active sketch. The selected lines will be highlighted in the drawing. You have the additional option to right-click and open a context menu with further edge selection options:


    A preview of the projected edges will be shown in the drawing.

    To end the function, press the middle mouse button or select Cancel in the context menu.

    (1) Original (here: a 3-D sketch); (2) Direction; (3) Projection


    Please note:

    Sketch Functions (3-D)Working with Sketches (3-D)

    © Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
    Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
    Date: 30/10/2018

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