Projection onto Surface (Sketch)
Sketch > Derive > Take O... > Projections - Onto surface
You use this function to create projections of curves or c-edges onto arbitrary
surfaces. When you call the function, the Projection onto surface window will be displayed.
Proceed as follows:
- Identify the
curves and composite edges that you want to be projected. Activate the
No c-edges checkbox if you do not want composite
edges to be projected. All identified objects are listed in the
Curves window.
- Identify the
surfaces you want. All selected surfaces are listed in the
Surfaces window.
- Select the projection
- metrical
- perpendicular to processing plane
- perpendicular to screen plane
- Click theProjection
button to perform the projection.
(1) Selected curve; (2) Selected surface; (3) Projection -metrical
Please note:
- To remove the entries from the curves or surfaces list, place the cursor
on the corresponding entry and use either the DEL key on the keyboard
or the Delete command in the context menu.
- This function cannot be applied to planar sketches.
Sketch Functions (3-D) • Working with Sketches (3-D)
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