Slot (2-D)

2-D Part > CAids > Bore > Slot, top view

2-D Part > CAids > Bore >Slot, side view

You use these functions to create an individual bore for a slot with a centre cross, which you can insert multiple times into the active part, depending on the function you choose in the top view or in the side view.

  1. Specify the hole width and the diameter of the individual bore.
  2. Choose the angle of direction.
  3. Specify the fitting point on the drawing.

Use the right mouse button to access the function selection again and end the insert operation.

(1) Bore width
(2) Diameter
(3) Angle of direction


To display the slot temporarily in the ICN, right-click the drawing name in the ICN. In the context menu which opens, choose the Auxiliary Parts On/Off function.

Construction Aids (2-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 14/09/2018

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