Part Creation (2-D)

Each element in the drawing can be selected individually in HiCAD. As a drawing consists of many elements, these elements are combined into structured units which are referred to as Parts in HiCAD. This part-oriented data structure allows you to create drawings whose logical structure corresponds to the part structure of real products. In addition, a Bill of Materials(BOM) can also be created without a database.

Part creation is subdivided into several areas:

Start Centre

Once you start HiCAD, the Start Centre is displayed, in which you define the initial construction steps.

  1. Define the scale and the 2-D start mode for the new drawing.
  2. You will then be asked to enter a name for the drawing.
  3. Now name the first main part of the drawing.
  4. You can now begin constructing.

You then use the New main part and New sub-part functions from the New function group of the 2-D Part tab or the Parts context menu to create the following main parts and sub-parts. This function group also provides the functions for part structure processing.

Drag & Drop

You can also use drag & drop to insert 2-D parts saved as files (.FGA) directly into your HiCAD drawing from Windows Explorer.

  1. Click the file you want in Windows Explorer, and then drag it with the left mouse button to the HiCAD drawing surface. Release the mouse button.
  2. Then specify whether you want the part to be inserted as a main part or a sub-part and define the position in the drawing.

HiCAD (2-D)Part Functions (2-D)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 14/09/2018

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