Overlap (2-D)

You create overlaps by assigning visualisation levels. Overlapped graphic elements can then be hidden or displayed using another line type.

Every part can be assigned a level from 0 to 999, enabling it to be overlapped by a part with a larger level. The overlap contour is a prerequisite for an overlap. It defines the representation of the overlap. Exclusion contours can be defined within the overlap contour.

Standard parts have both an overlap contour and a level. For example, bolts have level 2, nuts und washers level 3. If you insert standard parts in a part with an overlap level, the overlap level of the standard part is automatically adjusted.

You can also call the Overlap functions via the context menu, by right-clicking on the part name or the drawing name.

Pull-down menu Overlap part

  • Do not change level: Cancels the function. The overlap level will remain unchanged.
  • Set level: Changes the overlap level of the super-ordinate part and the sub-ordinate parts (e.g. Level 1 / Level 2 will become Level 10 / Level 10).
  • Adjust level: Changes the overlap level of the super-ordinate part and adjusts the overlap level of the sub-ordinate parts (e.g. Level 1 / Level 2 will become Level 10 / Level 11).
Pull-down menu Change overlap level
The overlap level of the active part is increased by 1. Once you have activated Redraw, the effects on the other parts become visible.
The overlap level of the active part is decreased by 1. Once you have activated Redraw, the effects on the other parts become visible.
The overlap level of the active part is changed by any difference you please. Once you have activated Redraw, the effects on the other parts become visible.
All sub-parts of the active part with the same level are changed.
All parts of the selected overlap level are marked for selection.
All overlap points in the drawing are selected. If you use the cursor to select a point, the corresponding part is activated.

HiCAD (2-D)General Information (2-D)Part Display List (2-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 14/09/2018

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