Clone Graphical Element (2-D)

2-D Geometry > Clone 

Use the functions of the Clone function group of the 2-D Geometry tab to

lines or graphical elements - individually, in a rectangle or in a contour.

Clone and Move

2-D Geometry > Clone > Clone+Move, Sketch

2-D Geometry > Clone >Clone+Move, Free

These functions enable you to clone (i.e. copy) and move individual graphical elements or closed polylines. If you use the Individually identification type to activate a line from a closed polyline, the latter is broken up into its individual graphical elements.

  1. Choose the identification type.
  2. Identify the graphical element.
  3. Specify the displacement vector.

If you select Copy + Move, Sketch function, the sketch technology functions are available to you.

You can now identify further graphical elements or activate the selection menu by right-clicking it and change the identification type. You end the function by pressing the middle mouse button.

(1) Dispacement vector
(2) Copied ("cloned") and moved graphical element

Clone and Rotate

2-D Geometry > Clone > Clone+ Rotate

Use this function to copy and rotate individual graphical elements or polylines.

  1. Select the identification type.
  2. Identify the graphical element or the polyline.
  3. Specify the rotation point and the angle of rotation.

You can now identify further graphical elements or activate the selection menu by right-clicking it and change the identification type.

(1) Rotation point
(2) Copied and rotated graphical element

Clone and Mirror

2-D Geometry > Clone >Clone+Mirror, Line

2-D Geometry > Clone > Clone+Mirror, 2 points

You use these functions to copy and mirror individual graphical elements and polylines.

  1. Choose the identification type.
  2. Identify the graphical element or the polyline.
  3. Specify the mirroring axis.

Depending on the function you choose, you can select the mirroring axis via a line or 2 points.

You can now identify further graphical elements or activate the selection menu by right-clicking it and change the identification type.

(1) Mirroring axis
(2) Copied and mirrored graphical element

Geometry Functions (2-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 14/09/2018

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