Dimensioning Parameters (2-D)

The composition of a dimensioning depends on the settings specified for the dimensioning parameters. The following options are available for the changing of existing dimensions and a temporary changing of dimensioning parameters:

New parameters

2-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Dimensioning settings

You use this function to activate the Dimensioning Parameters window. By selecting the relevant

tab, you can set all dimension parameters.

The changes affect all new 2-D dimensions (e.g. Variable, Axially parallel, Individual dimensions). When you end HiCAD, the default values are re-activated.

  1. Make the changes.
  2. Click OK to exit the parameter window.

The prompt Change all parameters? appears. If you answer YES, all the current parameter window settings are applied; if you answer NO, only the parameters you have changed are applied.

  1. Specify the procedure for changing the parameters.

All new dimensionings are now assigned the changed parameters.

Parameters, Same as reference dimension

2-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Settings > Same as reference dimension

You use this function to apply the parameters of an existing dimensioning.

  1. Identify the reference dimensioning.
  2. Now us the new parameters to continue dimensioning.

Reload parameters

2-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Settings > Reload

Use this function to load the settings from the Configuration Editor (ISDConfig.exe ... > Drawing > Annotations > Dimensioning, 2-D).

Change Dimensioning Parameters (2-D) • Dimensioning (2-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 14/09/2018

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