Assign Document/Part to Project (PDM in HiCAD)


HELiOS PDM > ... > Project  


Use this functions to link the active document/article to another project.

PDM functions for active drawing


PDM functions for active part

When you call the function, the search mask of the Find project mask will be displayed.

Enter the search criteria - the placeholder * is also allowed - and click on the Find button.

Mark the desired project in the result list and confirm with OK. The project can also be chosen with a double-click.

Depending on the selected function for the article or document master of the active part or drawing, the master data are copied into the chosen project. The previous project link will be preserved.

You can then make the selected project the active project.


Alternatively, you can access the function as follows: Right-click the part or the name of the part in the ICN and select HELiOS. In the HELiOS sub-menu, select Show document master.

Context Menu HELiOSPDM Functions in HiCADProjects

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HELiOS + HiCAD
Date: 14/09/2018

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