Catalogue Functions

Extras > Catalogue



Use this function to create a new catalogue. This command is also available in the Toolbar via .

The current catalogue will be deleted.

Use this function to import a catalogue file.

Use this function to export a catalogue file.

Use this function to sort the currently marked catalogue alphanumerically.

The catalogue selected in the tree structure on the left hand side is transferred to the HELiOS Article Master Management, i.e. an assignment (link) to HELiOS is created.

The following options are available for this purpose:

1. Transfer to HELiOS, New creations without given article numbers allowed

The catalogue marked on the left hand side of the Catalogue Editor will be transferred to the HELiOS Article Master Management, i.e. an assignment to HELiOS will be created. This applies to all data records of the tables in the catalogue.

2. Transfer to HELiOS, New creations only with given article numbers

Same as1., but with the difference that the transferred data records must meet the following requirements:

  • The table contains one column that is linked with the attribute HEL_Sachnummer (HEL_ARTICLENUMBER).
  • The data record contains a value in this column, i.e. the field is not empty.

During transfer, the specified article number will be searched in HELiOS first. As soon as it is found, the data record will be linked to the corresponding part in HELiOS. This will however only function if the part does not belong to any other data record from the catalogue, otherwise an error message will be issued. If no article number is found, a new HELiOS entry with the entered article number will be created.

3. Transfer to HELiOS, No new creations

Same as 2., but with the difference that no HELiOS entry will be created if the article number is not found.

Use this function to link HiCAD and HELiOS Part Master Management attributes to catalogue attributes (table columns). The link applies to the entire catalogue, i.e. to all its tables and all the records contained in the tables!

New column for several tables

Use this function to assign a new column to several or all tables of a catalogue in one step.


Please note:

Create CatalogueImport/Export CataloguesStandard Parts and HELiOS (PDM)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Catalogue Editor
Date: 14/09/2018

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