The CATALOGUES Folder (Catalogue Editor)

HiCAD catalogues

The catalogue FASTENERS includes the sub-catalogue BOLTS+SCREWS, for example. This sub-catalogue consists of several sub-catalogues again, e.g. the sub-catalogue HEX. HEAD BOLTS. This folder includes the standard series DIN 561, DIN 6914 etc.


Never alter the IPL- and IPT files manually, but always with the Catalogue Editor!


Factory standards

A special sub-folder of the CATALOGUES folder is the FACTORY STANDARDS folder. The user-specific catalogues are filed here. For example, you are enabled to save 2-D, 3-D parts, assemblies or type beams directly from the HiCAD drawing in individual catalogues. These use-specific catalogues can be created, managed and processed with the Catalogue Editor. Individual colour settings, materials or cutting and embossing dies can be managed by factory standard catalogues.



Please note:

Factory StandardsCatalogue MakerTable Functions  • Catalogue Functions

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - Catalogue Editor
Date: 14/09/2018

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