The Attribute Editor - Attributes
Change attributes
Predefined and user-defined attributes can be changed in the HELiOS Attribute management dialogue.
- For predefined object types (Article, Document, Project...) you can call the dialogue by clicking the desired object type button beneath Create user-defined attributes.
- User-defined object types can be marked in the same-named area on the right hand side of the dialogue window. After this, click Manage attributes.
Proceed as follows:
- Select an object
(article, document, product structure etc.). The HELiOS Attribute management
window for
the selected object will be displayed.
- Mark the attribute you
want to change.
- Click Change.
A turquoise pen symbol
appears, indicating the "Change" mode. Fields that can be changed will be highlighted in white.
- Make the required
modifications are save with OK.
System attributes beginning with HEL_* cannot be changed.
Delete attributes
Predefined and user-defined attributes can be deleted in the HELiOS Attribute management dialogue.
- For predefined object types (Article, Document, Project...) you can call the dialogue by clicking the desired object type button beneath Create user-defined attributes.
- User-defined object types can be marked in the same-named area on the right hand side of the dialogue window. After this, click Manage attributes.
- Select an object
(article, document, product structure etc.). The attribute management for
the selected object will be displayed.
- To delete an
attribute, mark it in the list, click Delete and then OK.
A red pen symbol
appears, indicating the "Delete" mode.
System attributes beginning with HEL_* cannot be deleted.
Reference attributes
Reference attributes are linked to user-defined types. For example, an
address will be updated automatically in case of a modification. In the
Attribute Editor you only specify the user-defined type. In the Mask Editor you
will enter the attribute explicitly.
Name and address of the responsible employee are to be shown in the document
mask. If the employee changes his/her place of residence, all masks containing
his/her address will be updated automatically.
Step 1: Create a user-defined type in the Attribute
- Start the Attribute
Editor and activate the Add type function.
- Enter the name of the
type, e.g. Employee.
- Click Manage attributes.
- Create new attributes
for the type Employee, e.g. name, street, city, phone.
The data type for
these attributes should be VARCHAR. Varchar values are character strings of
optional length. For all varchar attributes you need to specify a maximum
Step 2: Create a new attribute for the type Document.
- Activate the Document function in the Attribute Editor.
- Create a new
attribute, e.g. Name. Select REFERENCE as data type and Employee
for Type Reference.
- Save the attribute with OK.
- Exit the mask with End and close the Attribute Editor.
Step 3: Generate and adjust masks
- Start the Mask Editor
and open the masks of the new type Employee.
- Create data fields and
text fields in the input and search masks for the attributes created in Step
1 (name, street, city, telephone).
- Save the masks.
- Open the document
masks you want to change.
- You do not need to
enter the new attribute into all masks. Activate, for example, the New
data field function (RMB) in the input mask.
- Select the attribute
Name, then select Next.
- Now select the
reference attribute in the new mask, e.g. the attribute Name.
Under Referenced attributes you will only find the attributes of the user-defined type Employee you created in Step 1.
- Confirm the properties with OK.
- Position the two fields in the document mask.
- Insert a text field providing an explanation for the data field and confirm with OK.
- Proceed likewise with
the other attributes (street, city, telephone).
- Copy the new fields
with CTRL+C and paste them into other masks with CTRL+V.
- As the result mask has
a different structure, the fields cannot be inserted with CTRL+V here. They
need to be created with the New data field function. The text field
will be generated automatically.
- Save the masks and
close the Mask Editor.
Step 4: Create and change Employee
- Start the HELiOS
Desktop, activate the Input tab and create some data records via Simple
input > User-defined types
> Employee.
- Create a new data record
for a Document. The input masks provides the new attributes Name, Street,
City, Telephone.
- Activate the search
with the 3 point button next to the input field of the employee.
For the first search for a new object type in the HELiOS Esktop you need to configure the result list.
- Click on the
icon and activate the attributes that you want to be displayed.
- Take over an employee
and proceed likewise with the other attributes.
- If you now change the master data of the employee Emma Miller, the master data will be synchronised in the document mask.
The Attribute
• General Information on HELiOS
© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH Version 2302 - HELiOS Date: 30/10/2018
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