Notes on Suppressed Parts

When taking over model drawings with the function New in HELiOS, suppressed parts in SOLIDWORKS are also taken into account.

These are indicated as such ("Suppressed") and regularly offered for transfer to HELiOS.

Within the dialogue, it is also shown which components are suppressed - in contrast to other, non-suppressed components of the same assembly (because the suppression can be multi-level).

The indication of a suppressed part always refers to the view you get as a user when the superior assembly is loaded.


Parts that are suppressed by SOLIDWORKS due to missing references are also marked accordingly in the dialogue("Missing reference").


Note that when parts are transferred to HELiOS, their file path changes because transferred parts are located in the HELiOS workspace directory. This may mean that when suppressions are removed later, the previous file paths can no longer be restored and you have to break up the corresponding references manually in this case.


Suppressed parts are briefly loaded interactively when you call the New in HELiOS function so that the structure can be read out.

If standard parts are suppressed, SOLIDWORKS displays an info message by default.


In the model structure of the document detail mask of HELiOS, you can recognise suppressed parts/assemblies by their display in dark grey colour:


Please note:

HELiOS Part/ Assembly/Drawing