Project: Variant Editor

Variables + Attributes (VAD_Editor)

With this function you can process the variables of the current variant and assign database attributes to them. The Variables + Attributes dialogue box is then displayed.

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You have to keep in mind that you can only process variables which do not influence the geometry of the part. Such a variable can, e.g. represent the weight. The only task of this variable is to supply the related data to the corresponding database attribute.

If you change the name of a variable required for the geometry of the part, the variant will be useless.

Right-click the line of the variable to be processed to call the process options for variables. You can also activate the context menu by clicking on the Change button ; the previously marked line will be processed.

You can also call the change of a variable name or an attribute assignment by double-clicking on the appropriate cell in the list.

Use the Attribute assignment function from the context menu to assign a database attribute to a variable or to change the assignment. Simply specify the name of the desired database attribute.

Select OK to exit the dialogue box Variables + Attributes and take over changes.

A deleted variable receives the name “—“. (It can be restored by renaming.) The marked variable will only be deleted when saving the VAD file. It can only be seen the file is opened again.

The User Interface

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - Variant Editor
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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