Project: HiCAD Steel Engineering

The Variant Editor for Railings

'Civil Engineering functions' docking window > Steel Engineering > Stairs + Railings > Railing > Variant Editor for railings

You use this function to save customer-specific railing components as variants. The prerequisite for this is that you have constructed and parameterized the corresponding railing component and have defined an installation coordinate system for the variant.

For individual railing components, the dialogue applies to the respective tab of the Railing Configurator. This means, for example, if you select a customer-specific variant on the Infill tab for which a corresponding user dialogue exists, this dialogue will be displayed on the Infill tab.

To save a new railing component as a variant, select the corresponding assembly. In the Civil Engineering functions docking window, choose Steel Engineering > Stairs + Railings > Railing > Variant Editor for railings.

Beneath Part, the part active when the function is called is displayed. If you want to select another part/assembly, click on the symbol and select the part/assembly in the ICN or in the model drawing.

Beneath Table you select in which table the railing component is to be saved. On the right you can see which data records already exist in the selected table.

In the Directory area you determine to which sub-folder of the HiCAD folder KATALOGE

are to be saved.

Under General you can change the Designation (BZ) of the variant in the catalogue. By default, the article number of the selected part / assembly is displayed here. When you click on the symbol, the following dialogue window will be displayed:

Here you determine what is to be entered in the table columns of the variant.

A certain status can be assigned to each data record of a table. This status is effective when selecting parts in HiCAD.

The following statuses are available:

  • Not available
    The data record is greyed out in hiCAD and cannot be selected.
  • Main series
    These data records have first priority when inserted in HiCAD.
  • Sub-series
    These data records have second priority when inserted in HiCAD.

This entry is automatically assigned depending on the selected table and part name.

  • The entry test.KRA refers to the HiCAD folder Kataloge\Werksnormen\test.KRA.
  • The entry test\test.KRA refers to the HiCAD folder Kataloge\Werksnormen\test\test.KRA.

If a preview image in the form of a BMP or EMF file is to be assigned to a table, the name of the file can be specified here.

For detailed information on preview images, see the Help of the Catalogue Editor.

When saving parts with a catalogue entry, you can assign a type to the part. This type is taken into account when installing the parts via the standard parts catalogue.

  1. Fixed 2-D/3-D part
    Only the specification of the fitting point is required for insertion.
  2. 2-Dpart/sketch with selection of insertion type
    In addition to determining the fitting point, the type of insertion must be selected (e.g. rotation or translation).
  3. Variant with varient query
    If a part contains variables instead of fixed dimensions, these are queried when the part is inserted.
  4. Standard variant
    The part is installed as a standard variant. This means that the part has been defined in a table of the factory standard catalog with different sub-types.

If the variant refers to another design variant (postprocessing), you can enter the name of the design variant here.

If the Start Dialogue Editor checkbox is active, the HiCAD Dialogue Editor is automatically started when the window is exited with OK and the CSV file with the variables is automatically loaded. You can then start creating the dialogue directly. The ISDGUI archive is automatically stored in the same folder as the CSV file when you save the dialogue.


Please note:

Example of a Customer-specific Railing VariantStairs and Railings (3-D SE)Steel Engineering Functions

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD Steel Engineering
Date: 27/09/2020     Language: 1033

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