Project: HiCAD Steel Engineering
"Civil Engineering functions" docking window > Steel Engineering > General > Purlin joint (1205)
Use this Design Variant to connect one girder and two purlins by means of either a sheet metal part (with single or double fold) or an L-bracket which is bolted to the purlins and bolted or welded to the girder. This connection can be one-sided or two-sided. The purlins can be any 3-D parts here.
(1) Original
(2) Purlin joint, one-sided, with L-bracket (bolted) and connecting plate, bolted to girder and purlins
(3) Purlin joint, two-sided, with double-folded sheet, bolted to girder and purlins, without connecting plate
(4) Purlin joint, two sided, with single-folded sheet, welded to girder, without connecting plate
Proceed as follows:
The dialogue window is operated in the same way as the one for Purlin joint 1204.
Click the Preview button if you want to display a preview of the connection based on the currently entered data. If you want to modify the current data, apply the required changes and click Preview again to update the preview. Click OK to insert the connection according to the current data and close the dialogue window. If you click the Cancel button, the window will be closed, and the specified or changed connection will not be inserted.
The settings in the dialogue window can be saved as Favourites and reused at any time. To do this, click on the at the bottom left of the window to activate the context menu. More about Favourites management can be found in the Manage Favourites topics of the HiCAD Basics Help.
Connections + Variants (3-D SE) • Dialogue Window for Connections (3-D SE) • The Catalogue System for Connections + Variants (3-D SE)
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