Project: HiCAD Steel Engineering
As the part structure in Steel Engineering is identical to actual structures in mechanical engineering constructions, there are no special procedures.
If you have already used CATEDITOR.EXE to assign HELiOS article masters to the catalogue parts - connecting media, semi-finished products etc. - they are assigned to the parts during fitting; as before. The affected beams will obtain a special annotation hinting at the raw material article master.
During automatic itemising, an article master that has already been assigned is, in principle, retained. This means that bolts/washers/nuts keep their article master from WINNORMDB3.
If, however, parts have the "raw material article master" annotation, it will be replaced by a new article master.
You can use theArticle master, Itemisation function to configure the transfer of raw material attribute values such as semi-finished product part number, strength etc. to the new article master.
The Itemisation/Identical part search function retains the user-defined article master, as long as the identical part search does not require a new article master assignment. For example, the article master of fasteners will be preserved.
Extensive information on the Catalogue Editor can be found in the corresponding chapter of the Online Help.
Notes on the System Files (3-D SE) • Itemisation Functions (3-D SE)
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