Open BABCAD file

Drawing > New/Open >Open > Further > Babcad

To open a BABCAD DXB file, proceed as follows:

  1. Activate the function.
  2. Select the desired .DXB file.

Just as for the DXF interface, an appropriate conversion file, BABCAD.DAT, is available for the BABCAD interface.


 Please note:

Save BABCAD file

Drawing > Save/Print... > Save as > Conversion > Create BABCAD - DXB

HiCAD drawings can be conversion into a DXB file. The DXB (Data Interchange Binary Format) - a binary variant of the DXF format - can be read by BABCAD.

To save the current drawing to a DXB file, activate the Drawing tab and select Save/Print > SaveAs > Conversion > Create BABCAD - DXB.
