Project: HiCAD P+ID
P+ID > Symbol > Move > Scale symbol
Invoke this option to scale existing symbols. When you identify the required symbol, HiCAD displays the appropriate dialogue box. If the Factor 1 button is selected, x and y factors are set to 1.
You can use the arrow buttons to increase or decrease scale factors incrementally in the x or y-direction or both at the same time. The increment can be selected from a Combo-box that only offers permissible values. The default setting offers the lowest possible value, i.e. normally 1.00. Scale factors can be specified separately for X and Y, or directly selected in Combo boxes. Acceptable values for increments and factors depend on the position of symbol connecting points: After transformation all points must, as before, coincide with grid points.
If a symbol only has one connecting point and is positioned on the reference point, values for increments and factors can be freely selected. Combo-boxes are replaced by normal input fields:
Select Apply to accept values in the input fields and scale the symbol.
After scaling, the symbol library name of the symbol will be changed to _UNKNOWN_. If there are further symbols with the same symbol name and the same symbol library name (_UNKNOWN_) in the active project, the symbol version ID will be incremented
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