Project: HiCAD P+ID

Check Part Insertion

P+ID > Link to 3-D > Show3D > Check part insertion

A prerequisite for the part insertion check is that a 3-D layout plan has been assigned to the current P+ID.

After selection of the Check part insertion function, the question Execute check? appears. Answer with Yes. If no 3-D layout plan has been assigned to the P+ID project, the message No drawing assigned will be displayed.

All symbols with database ID or pipeline number will be checked. The checking results will be logged in the Report Manager. A Yes in the Part assignment column means that the part assigned to the symbol has neen inserted in the 3-D layout plan. If this is not the case, the entry in the Part assignment columns will be no.

This result list is created with the help of the list generator of the P+ID. For this, the list definition with the file name LOC_CHECK_SYMBOLS is used. You can change the definition if desired:On the P+ID tab, select Lists > Create list, mark in the selection list the row with the file name LOC_CHECK_SYMBOLS, and click Edit.

The file rm_db_export_pidproj.hdb (in the SYS directory) determines which attributes will be transferred as head data for BOM creation.

You can now configure the list definition as you would usually do.

Link to 3-D Layout Plan (P+ID)

© Copyright 1994-2020, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2502 - HiCAD P+ID
Date: 07/10/2020     Language: 1033

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