Project: HiCAD P+ID
P+ID > Settings > Settings > Libraries
A library must be imbedded in a project before you can use it. This means that a copy of a Symbol or Title Block library needs to be copied from the Library directory (...\PID\LIBS) to the directory of the current project. Symbols contained in the library can then be used in flowchart pages belonging to the active project.
If a library with the same name already exists in the project, it will be replaced by the new copy.
Libraries required for a project need not be re-imbedded each time with this function. If you enter their names in the FLIPAR.DAT file, they are then automatically imbedded when you create a new project.
The tab consists of the following sections:
The Integrate option enables you to select a Symbol library via the database
If you pick the Without HELiOS option and select the required library from a Windows-standard selection box, it is then integrated in the project.
If you select the With HELIOS option, you can enter search criteria in the Helios dialogue box. When you click the Start search button, HiCAD displays a list of the libraries in the library directory. You can then select the name of the required library with a double click or a single click and Apply, HiCAD then integrates the required library in the project.
If a library with the same name already exists, the appropriate message is issued. You can then either overwrite the existing file with Yes or select No to cancel the process.
If you activate the Remove function, HiCAD opens a window containing a list of all libraries integrated in the project.
You can either select the name of a library with a double-click, or a single click and OK to remove the library from the project.
If the Symbol Library is managed with HELiOS, the document number (HEL_DOKUNUMMER attribute) from the document master of the P+ID project instead of the file name is to be found on the list.
An active Title Block library cannot be immediately removed, it must first be de-activated.
Before removing a library you can display its contents with the help of the dialogue box illustrated above.
Select the required library, and click Show to display the library graphic. This option also allows you to check title block data and the status of the library.
The displayed context menu enables you display a detail or activate the View all function.
A P+ID project includes the symbol libraries, which have been and can be used for the processing of the diagrams, apart from the actual diagram data. This function can be used to export a project-integrated symbol library as an SZA-archive file. If you select the P+ID symbol libraries as the target directory, you can access this directory with the processing functions for symbol libraries and symbols.
If the Symbol Library is managed with HELiOS, the document number (HEL_DOKUNUMMER attribute) from the document master of the P+ID project instead of the file name is to be found on the selection list.
Use this function to take over the names of the libraries integrated the current project into the active configuration.
The function is executed if you respond to the query
Apply names of all integrated libraries to active configuration?
with Yes.
The active configuration will then be re-loaded automatically, enabling you to view the result of the takeover immediately when switching to the Configuration tab. Unsaved changes to the configuration specified on the Configuration tab before the takeover will be discarded.
The special symbols for pipelines, pipe connections and gauge symbols were formerly loaded from the FLISYA_1 library. These symbols can now be located in a library with an arbitrary name. In this section you can specify from which library the symbols should be loaded.
The configuration file FLIPAR.DAT can be taken over from a HiCAD version 3.1 1212... if the file in the first line contains the ID +4+. As initially only the additional items~FRAMES~ and ~SPECIAL~ are missing, the libraries HICAD_SF and FLISYA_1 are required, as for the older HiCAD version.
The symbols for flow direction arrows are expected to be located in the symbol library that you selected. This library must contain a symbol 0FLPF (single arrow) and a symbol 0FLPF2 (double arrow and undefined flow direction), as in the ISDDINSYM1_ENG library. (In older HiCAD versions, the flow direction symbol 0FLPF was taken from the symbol library FLISY0_1. In this library, however, the symbol 0FLPF2 did not exist.)
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